I’ll add pictures and make this better looking whenever I get around to it.
Currently on hand
Matrix 1.2og Olive Coated
Cherry Blacks - 55g TX Short Springs - TX Films - Lubed with 205g0, springs lubed with Hoppes 9
Matrix 2.0add XMas Starry Night
Cherry Vintage Blacks - 55g TX Short Springs - TX Films - Lubed with 205g0, springs lubed with Hoppes 9
Cherry Blacks - 55g TX Short Springs - TX Films - Lubed with 205g0, springs lubed with Hoppes 9
Hiney TKL One Gold
Zealios v1 - 57g TX Medium Springs - TX Films - Lubed with 205g0, springs lubed with Hoppes 9
To be received in the future
Hiney TKL One Poly
Things I’ve sold/traded
Jane v2 ME Unbuilt
Mimi with Cherry Blacks
GSKT-00 Unbuilt
Jane v2 with Cherry Blacks
MC65 with Cherry Blacks
RS60 with Cherry Browns
Matrix 2.0add Coating Grey with Cherry Blacks
Infinitum Unbuilt
IDB60 with Gateron Yellows
Austere with Cherry Blacks
Tofu with Zealios v2
Pok3r with Zealios v1